Monday, January 27, 2020
Spectrum of Benign Breast Disease and Its Management
Spectrum of Benign Breast Disease and Its Management AUTHORS: Dr.( Mrs) Archana shukla (Assistant Professor )dept of surgery Gandhi medical college, Bhopal M.P. Dr. S. S. Pal (Associated professor) dept of surgery Gandhi medical college Bhopal M.P. ABSRACT: Breast disease in females causes great deal of anxiety and fear of carcinoma and thus losing it. Not all breast diseases and lumps are carcinoma. To study this enigma of females, patients with breast symptoms were studied for 12 months of time Jan 2013 to Dec 2013 in unit iii, dept of surgery, Hamidia hospital, Gandhi medical college Bhopal. Study was conducted to determine the incidence, role of histopathology and imaging in diagnosis and management. The disease is complex group of symptoms and sign such as lump, mastalgia, nipple discharge and combination of these. This was done so as to differentiate and identify the benign group which was much larger in number. They require more counseling, assurance and education regarding benign nature and it being a developmental disorder. Such disorders if untreated may convert into disease which is more persistent. The mean age was 32 as the youngest was age of 14 yrs and the oldest was of 50 yrs of age. The commonest diagnosis was fibroadenoma followed by fibroadenosis . Tuberculosis was the most concerning disease we came across. KEYWORDS: Benign Breast Diseases, young female, fibroadenoma. INTRODUCTION: Majority of patients having sign and symptoms of breast disease fall under benign group rather than carcinoma yet carcinoma takes the precedence over it due to its fearsome nature.1,2,3,4 The benign breast disease group patients have variable symptoms including lump, lump with pain, nodularity, nipple discharge due to relative heterogeneous underlying pathology.5Breast development is governed by growth hormone and cortisol. Breast function is governed by oestrogen progesterone prolactine and oxytocin. Breast undergoes dynamic cyclic changes governed by these hormones and growth factors. 15 These hormones have profound trophic effect. These changes are seen in epithelium and stroma from onset of puberty to menopause. Estrogen have effect on ducts where as progesterone have effect on epithelium. With the onset of puberty there is decrease in sensitivity of the hypothalamus and pituitary axis to negative feedback and increased sensitivity to positive feedback of estrogens. This initiates GnRH, FSH, LH causing increase in estrogens and progesterone which is the cause for menstrual cycle. This increase is responsible for proliferation of epithelium, duct and stroma. These changes may lead to Aberration in normal development of breast and involution of breast, causing majority of benign breast disorder. These disorders may convert into disease if untreated. Exaggerated response to hormones oestrogen causes development of single or multiple proliferatory breast diseases such as fibroadnenoma which is benign solid mobile mass which has both fibrous and glandular part.11 Fibroadenoma of more than 10 cm are termed as phylloids tumor owing to shape it attains due to large size. Sometimes the changes have proliferation of ducts, lobules, interlobular and inter lobular stroma leading to fibrous changes with cystic changes commonly termed fibrocystic disease. 13 Such proliferation may have atypical hyperplasia including ductal and lobular hyperplasia, which has increased risk for development of carcinoma in future. Apart from this, multifocal lesions with calcification increase many fold risk.6,7.8 Then there are symptoms of nipple. As a developmental defect there may be nipple inversion which may present as subareolar abscess in later age. During involution phase there is ductal involution causing ductal ectasia if not treated can lead to periductal mastitis or may sometimes have atypical hyperplasia.6 During lactation the breast undergoes many dynamic changes and if there is problem in expression of milk there may be occurrence of breast abscess. If not treated adequately may lead to chronic breast abscess, antibioma and milk sinus. To certain the diagnosis of usually neglected and underestimated disease there is a huge role of histopathology and imaging technologies. With the help of histopathology proliferatory , non proliferatory disorders and diseases, breast cyst and other pathologies such as tuberculosis and lipoma can be detected. 20 There is a role of microbial culture in diagnosis of infectious disease. Similarly ultrasonography is helpful in diagnosis and in management also.13,22 Triple assessment test, which include clinical examination imaging and histopathology examination is the gold standard approach to the diagnosis though elderly females may require mammography.20,21,22 We have conducted study to determine the frequency of the disease, to analyze the role of triple assessment and to know implication in management. 13,15 16 METHOD Our study was conducted for one year in Jan 2013 to Dec 2013, under unit 3 Dept. of Surgery, Hamidia Hospital, Gandhi Medical College. We included all the patients coming to surgery OPD with breast complaints.14 Informed consent was obtained from all the patients. Patients were recorded under following points: History, Clinical examination FNAC of all palpable lumps, nodularities was done. In patients where there was dilemma trucut biopsy was done. Microbial examination and abscess wall biopsy was done in all case of breast abscess and antibiomas. USG, mammography Imaging was done. In our setup, USG was the most accessible radiographic investigation available. All the patients were subjected to USG to locate and know the lesion but in doubtful cases mammosonography was done. Age varied from 12-50 years hence 4 groups were made: 12-20 years 20-30 years 30 -40 years 40 and above RESULT: In first age group the most common complaint was lump in one of the breast or both. Most of these patients did not have complaints of pain. It was followed by lump with pain. We did not have any patients with complaint of nipple discharge in this group.15,16,17 In second group most common complaint was lump in breast with pain and bilateral generalized breast pain without lump and nodularity which were grouped under mastalgia. The third group was lesser in number. They were mainly having complaints of lump, fever and pain. There were very few patients in fourth group and complaints were that of pain and nipple discharge. In total there were 148 patients with lump and out of which 62 were that of fibroadenoma, 4 patients of fibroadenoma were of size more than 10 cm hence labelled as phylloid. Most of the fibroadenoma were unilateral and only 7 patients had bilateral adenomas. 5,12 There were 40 patients who were diagnosed as fibroadenosis. All patients underwent FNAC one patient showed atypical hyperplasia. 6,7,8 After this, the next common diagnosis was that of breast abscess which was common in lactating females. The diagnosis which worried us the most was that of tuberculosis of breast. We found 10 cases of this disease presenting as chronic and recurrent breast abscess, showed mycobacterium tuberculi in culture.1 8 We also found 6 patients of antibioma and 2 patients of galactocoele. There were patients of ductal ectasia and one patient of lipoma and one of breast cyst. Patients having significant symptoms of pain but not found with any lesion on radiographic investigation were labeled as mastalgia. Out of 7 only 3 were cyclical and rest were not related to cycle. 15,16,17 MANAGEMENT- Out of 62 patients of fibroadenoma, there were 18 patients with lesion less than 2 cm as detected clinically and confirmed by ultrasonography .these patients were treated conservatively.22 Surgery was proposed to all other 44 patients 40 patients consented for surgery and were operated, in all these excision was done under anesthesia.12 We registered 40 patients of fibroadenosis, in 6 patients excision of the most painful and noduler area was done rest of the patients were treated conservatively by oral medication of evening prime rose oil and vitamin E. In patients not getting relieved by above, Danazol which is an anti gonadotrophin was found useful. As it is having androgenic effects non compliance was observed in most of the patients. In one patient with FNAC showing atypical hyperplasia excision of affect quadrant with subsequent follow-up was done by series of mammography. As patient with atypical hyperplasia, multi focal lesion with calcifications have many fold increased risk for developing carcinoma 6,7,8 Patient was subjected risk reduction strategies like yearly mammography, stopping oral contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy if any.6,7 In patients with mastalgia cyclic or non cyclic patients are treated with conservative manner by life style modification, eating low fat diet and avoiding caffeine. After ruling out infection pt responds well to NSAID and Danazol. Simple breast cyst was treated with aspiration.22 All 12 the patients of breast abscess were treated by surgical ID. microbial examinations were done all the cases.21,23 10 patients came history of presence of lump and pain and low grade fever and malaise, on ultrasonography showed hypo echoic lesion suggestive of abscess showed presence of mycobacterium tuberculi in abscess wall biopsy and were treated by anti tubercular treatment.18 Patient with antibioma were treated in conservative manner in lactating women where as in non lactating open drainage and curettage was done. There were two patients of galactocoele and one of breast cyst in which aspiration was done. One patient of breast lump after excision biopsy was diagnosed as lipoma. All the patients with complaints of nipple discharge underwent cytological examination of discharged fluid. There was one patient of ductal ectasia which on ultra sonogrphy showed ductal pappiloma for which microdochectomy was done. Patients with bilateral breast pain with cyclic nodularity were diagnosed as mastalgia. These patients underwent series of ultrasonography but no focal lesion was found. In patients with mastalgia cyclic or non cyclic patients are treated with conservative manner by life style modification, eating low fat diet and avoiding caffeine. Patient responds well to NSAID and Danazol. DISCUSSION: When a female notices breast lesion she undergoes great degree of anxiety due to apprehension of gruesome carcinoma which causes breast lose and most fearful disfigurement.1.3.4 Benign breast diseases are much more common than malignant lesions but the aggressive nature of carcinoma takes the precedence of the worry.9 Thus it the most important priority of surgeon to reach up to a definite diagnosis and once the carcinoma is excluded the patient should be reassured and educated for further follow up.10,23 It is also there for prolonged period of time and requires counseling and reassurance apart from definitive treatment. Triple assessment test is essential for the patients with complaints of breast diseases.19 Any clinical or suspicious lesion requires pathological diagnosis. Patients with proliferatory disease without atypia have very little risk of breast cancer but patients with atypia have substantial great risk of breast cancer.6 The common age group for BBD is younger age group, who have less say in the family. The symptoms are considered trivial and discomfort converts in pain. FNAC had high predictive value. In our study there was high sensitivity to fibroadenoma. 12,19The poor sensitivity to fibroadenosis is due to poor cellular aspirate. Frequent FNAC were required some times as the disadvantage of scaring of excision biopsy and damage to ductal system architecture was not acceptable.21,22,23 In studies done by Abhijit M. G. in rural area of karnatak, India in year 2009- 2011 there is high incidence of fibroadenoma, total pt were 110, 68 underwent exicision( 61.8%)of which 60 (88.2%) were fibroadenoma. In Pakistan study done by Batool et al at Lahore, out of 63 patients of BBD there were 38 patients of fibroadenoma. In our study there were 41.9% of fibroadenoma out of that 29.03 % of cases were less than 2 cm and were treated conservatively were as in 70.9 % of cases were proposed surgery but only 64.6 % of patient got operated. There were 25.9% cases of fibroadenosis. In above studies there less incidence of tuberculosis which is 6.2% in our study. This the matter of concern and required more follow ups. In developing country especially in rural area the treatment of breast disease poses lots of problem care system due to social stigma, illiteracy poverty and lack of availability of authentic health care system. CONCLUSION The disease of breast which is concluded to be benign may be trivial for family members but it imposes substantial anxiety and affected day to day life of sufferers.9,23 The mean age affected was 32. The common benign breast disorder which we came across is fibroadenoma which is more common in young age.12,19,23 They are best treated surgically though small sized can be managed conservatively with good follow up. The disease variant of this disorder phylloids tumor needs more diagnostic confirmations to rule out malignancy, excision and follow-ups. Fibroadenosis and mastalgia patients suffer more as there is no surgical cure and the conservative management is not very affective. Anti gonadotrophins due to androgenic side effects are not tolerated well. Anti oestrogen drugs also do not have good compliance due to systemic side effects like flushing and nausea and vomiting as they are to be consumed for prolonged period of time. Periodic NSAID and lifestyle management was more accepted. Infectious disease were found commonly in lactating females Main concern were patients of tuberculosis which are 6.28 % of all patients and much higher in no. than other studies we came across. 18This was more common in age group of 20-30 yrs. Though all mentioned patient were treated completely to our satisfaction. With senescence, there was complaint of nipple discharge in elderly patients due to ductal ectasia and periductal mastits. It required more detailed and dedicated approach so as to rule out the carcinoma which is higher in this age group. Thus benign breast disease has good prognosis but requires thorough investigations and management for desired results.9 References 18 Mehta G, Mittal A, Verma S. Breast Tuberculosis Clinical Spectrum and Management. Indian J Surg 2010;72:433- 19 Lopez-Ferrer P, Jimenez-Heffernan JA, Vicandi B, Ortega L, Viguer JM. Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast fibroadenoma: a cytohistologic correlation study of 405 cases. Acta Cytologica 1999;43:579- 20 . Park IA, Ham EK. Fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable breast lesions. Acta Cytologica 1997;41:1131- 21. Iglehart JK, Smith BL. Diseases of the breast. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th ed. India: Elsevier; 2008:858-61. 22 Thomas JM, Fitzharris BM, Redding WH, Williams JE, Trott PA, Powles TJ, et al. Clinical examination, xeromammography, and fine-needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of breast tumours. Br Med J 1978;21:1139-412 23 Srivatsava A, Dhar A. Benign Breast Disease: A neglected entity. Recent Advances in Surgery 2006;10:175-2011. TABLE NO 1 ETIOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTIONS CHART 1 OPERATIVE AND CONSERVATIVE TABLE NO 2 AGE DISTRIBUTION CHART 2 SPECTRUM OF DISEASE
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulfate and E
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulfate and Hydrochloric acid. Plan I will be conducting an experiment to find out if concentrating Thiosulfate and Hydrochloric Acid will effect the rate of reaction. I predict that the higher the concentration of the Thiosulfate, the quicker it will react with the Hydrochloric Acid. I will test: 20 Acid 20 Thio 0 Water 20 Acid 15 Thio 5 Water 20 Acid 10 Thio 10 Water 15 Acid 20 Thio 5 Water 10 Acid 20 Thio 10 Water The total volume of all the liquids will be kept the same. As will the temperature, conical glass, measuring cylinder and the cross on the piece of paper. I will ensure that all these are kept the same by doing all the experiments on the same day, not changing my equipment and the to...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Reinvestigation of Editorial Genre on the Basis of Generic Structure
Reinvestigation of Editorial Genre: On the Basis of Generic Structure Potential Abstract Editorial research has been developed since about 2005 by some professionals in the field such Scholar Ansary or Babaii because there are many following journals of editorials citing their previous development such as Fartousi and Dumanig (2012), Ansary and Babaii(2009) and so on.Out of the gap in the confirmatory developed by Ansary and Babaii (2005), the research attempts to apply their framework in the online editorials of China Post and the consequence manifests that their editorial GSP matches the consequence of the study, further confirming their research result; however, there are some limitations in the study: there are many other English editorials in non-English-speaking countries not researched yet, so if the future study can confirm the previous research results, then the reliability in the editorial GSP can be more stabilized to the extent of a principle-like theorem.Then, an editori al GSP slightly differs from the work of Ansary and Babaii (2005), id est, that of Fartousi and Dumanig (2012), but the most order or acronyms in Ansar and Babaiiââ¬â¢s (2005) editorial GSP is nearly the same; consequently, if the future study can make comparisons among editorial GSPs, the editorial GSP will be developed more completely and perfectly.For the pedagogical implication, the editorial GSP can be designed into a curriculum as an extra-curricular course or even an in-class one for students in the secondary or tertiary education in order to raise learning interest and the medium of communicating competence through absorbing and internalizing the editorial content as a subject or the discipline of in-class oral communication. IntroductionIn light of Ansary and Babaii (2005), during the past years, there has been much research in genre in and across many linguistic use domains; then, the concept, genre, has been a framework for the analysis of the form and rhetorical funct ion such as research articles, dissertations, editorialsâ⬠¦, serving as a tool for developing educational practices in rhetoric, linguistics, composition studies, ESP, EAP, and so onThe interest in the research lies in the need to confirm a genre model that can be applied into non-English-as-L1 pedagogical environment, the one in Taiwan in order to discipline studentsââ¬â¢ capability of understanding editorial genre to bolster their reading comprehension for the better effective communication competence. Therefore, based on such stance, it is expected that the editorial genre model may also be applied to the editorial genre in the online version of Taiwan editorial genres which will be discussed in the methodology.For the research relative to the study theme, there is considerable. For instance, Anaray and Babii(2005) have formulated the editorial GSP on the online Washington editorials, which is the main base of the study. Next, Flowerdew and Dudley-Evans(2002) refer to thei r findings that they may contribute to the comprehension of the function and nature of letter editorials regardless of none generalization about it.Then, Katajamaki and Koskela(2006) studies rhetorical structure of editorials in English, Swedish, and Finnish business newspapers whose conclusion finds that when there is variation, it concerns two stages of the rhetorical structure, i. e. solution and moral, and that editorials in business newspapers seldom present any direct solutions for the critical issues discussed.Besides the aforementioned studies, Ansary and Babii(2009) report that an ââ¬Ëunmarkedââ¬â¢ English newspaper editorial, published either in Iran or Pakistan or the USA, typically consists of four obligatory and two optional generic rhetorical elements. Furthermore, Fartousi and Dumanig (2012) identify the rhetorical pattern of an English editorial titled ââ¬Ëthe Hoodies of NWOââ¬â¢ published on October 8, 2011 in the Tehran Times ââ¬âthe most read Engli sh daily newspaper- in Iran: RH ^ AI ^ (BI) ^ (IA) ^ A ^ (CR) ^ (AS): RH: Run-on Headline, CR: Concluding Remark, AS: Articulating a Solution.In accordance with Ansary and Babaii (2005), they investigate the 30 editorials from online Washington Times in a perspective of SFLââ¬âSystemic Functional Linguisticsââ¬âfounded by Michael Halliday and creates a genre model for editorials; however, she expresses in the final textual page before the references that There is a dearth of confirmatory research attempting to examine whether the identified generic patterns apply to other corpuses. To serve this line of investigation, then, it seems advisable to consolidate the findings of previous exploratory genre analyses, including the one reported here, through further research.Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to reinvestigate the gap in the aforementioned journal by Ansary and Babaii (2005), The Generic Integrity of Newspaper Editorials: A Systemic Functional Perspective, on the basis of the work of them and the British linguist, M. A. K. Halliday. If the research successfully proves the fact the genre model with respect of editorials can be applied to the online Chinese Mandarin versions of editorial model, then, it will benefit the pedagogical domain and contribute the academic value concerning the development of the editorial genre format more completely and even fully to academic boundary.Literature Review This research is to reinvestigate if the editorial GSP developed by Ansary and Babaii (2005) and based on Halladian Systemic Functional Linguistics model of texts analysis, can be applied into that of online China Post in Taiwan and to be more specific and detailed, this study is check whether their GSP ( Generic Structural Potential) of English newspaper editorials can be applied into it.What relates to the concepts of the study theme are SFL, Systemic Functional Linguistics, GSP, Generic Structural Potential, and certain acronyms of a certain genre, say, editorial, exemplified later as follows. Accordingly, the study explores relevant research: First, there will be some relevant editorial works from different scholars; then GSP, is stated in detail and one real GSP of editorials listed below for illustration. For SFL, itââ¬â¢s a textual analytical tool or model or framework (Ansary and Babaii, 2005 & Hughes, 2009) set up by M.A. K. Hallidy and by Morley (1985), it states that SFL interprets language as a systematic network of meaning potential and that systems compose language. For the GSP Hassan and Halliday develop it in 1989, and according to Ansary and Babaii(2005), a GSP of a genre is a condensed statement of a text (or a genre) in its CC (Contextual Configuration), and by Hassan(1984), he describes the GSP of a certain genre as ââ¬Å"a statement of the structural resources available in a given genre.Furthermore, in accordance with Halliday and Hasan (1989), a GSP is an abstract theoretical concept that â⬠¦ expres s[es] the total range of optional, [iterative], and obligatory elements and their order in such a way that we exhaust the possibilities of text structure for every text that can be appropriate to [the Contextual Configuration of that text]. In order to further specify the definition of GSP, the following is given and from the research result on editorial GSP done by Hassan: [pic]For each symbol acronyms, the following is its explanations: the caret, ^, is sequence; H stands for Heading; BI, Background Information; AI, Addressing an Issue; IA, Initiation of Argumentation; A; Argumentation; CA; Closure of Argumentation; AP, Articulating a Position; round brackets, ( ), represent optionality; the square brackets, [ ], the limit concerning sequence(the none changeability of sequence); the dot, . means the changeability of order; the braces with an arrowââ¬â {[pic]}ââ¬â stand for the degree of repetition. At last, n and m represent several sets of iteration. To sum up, under SFL theories, it is practicable to use its model later developed, i. e. , GSP, to analyze a structure of a certain genre and the analytical consequence can be formulated by symbols and acronyms in a line. MethodologyThe Framework for the Analysis of Online China Post Editorials Based on the work of Ansary and Babaii (2005) with regard to editorial GSP: [pic], the experiment will be conduced by the same analytical framework for the identification of texts used by Ansary and Babaii (2005). Analytical Procedure: The Sample Analysis of a Full Text As to the in-depth textual analysis, a sample from China Post Online will be given in order to show the how; for the analysis presentation, it just centers on higher-level rhetorical structure of texts, the mode constituting the larger parts of textsThe sample below is an editorial from The China Post electronically published on the column titled Editorial, on the website: http://chinapost. com. tw on Wednesday, December 26, 2012. Result |HEADLINE : |Seeking Christmas while sifting the man from the myth | | | | |The explanation of Jesusââ¬â¢ birth on Christmas. | |ADDRESSING AN ISSUE: |Christmas in Taiwan is not a traditional or mandatory occasion. Contrary | | |to most Western countries, where the annual holiday is celebrated and | |Christmas for Taiwanese is not a traditional or |given so much importance, Christmas is rather an occasion of convenience | |mandatory occasion but a day for friends and |for friends and family. |family reunion. | | |INITIATION OF ARGUMENTATION |For sure, there is more and more convenience for shopping ââ¬â almost one in | | |two Christmas shoppers do their shopping online ââ¬â and searching for that | |Buying Christmas gifts for the important one |special someone during the Christmas season.Every time we celebrate | |becomes more convenient, but the faith or the |Christmas, however, we shouldn't run away from the challenges that come | |concepts to Christmas should be challenged |wit h it: to question one's faith. | |ARGUMENT 1: |In his new book, ââ¬Å"The Infancy Narratives ââ¬â Jesus of Nazareth,â⬠Pope | | |Benedict XVI addresses such challenges when he tells us that there is | |In Pope Benedict XVIââ¬â¢s new book, there are some |something wrong with the timing, animals and angels of Christmas.And | |challenges against the customary Christmas |these little changes make a huge difference. | |concepts. | | |ARGUMENT 2: |Everybody knows that Jesus wasn't actually born on Dec. 25, but the pope | | |indicates that the date for Christmas was based on a blunder by a | |In spite of the common sense about Jesusââ¬â¢ |sixth-century monk who was several years off in his calculation of Jesus' | |birthday not on Dec. 5, the pope further |birth date. | |indicates the wrong origin. | | |ARGUMENT 3: |What significance might this have? It doesn't change the themes and the | | |narrative of the biblical story, which is: Jesus came as a baby, as a | |Pope Bened ict manifests that Jesus was a real |savior to redeem mankind.But in Pope Benedict's words, it shows that | |figure despite the narratives about him in the |Jesus was a real historical figure, who walked on Earth and talked to | |bible. |people like anyone else. | |ARGUMENT 4: |Another thing that the pope challenges is our understanding that farm | | |animals were present on Christmas Eve. In fact, there were probably no | |The pope raises that the farm animals werenââ¬â¢t |oxen, sheep nor donkeys.The pope says in his book that the animals were | |present on Christmas Eve. |implicitly referenced in the text, not explicitly, like in this passage | | |from Luke 2:7, which reads: ââ¬Å"And she gave birth to her firstborn son and | | |wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was| | |no place for them in the inn. | |ARGUMENT 5: |What about the angels singing? Were there any angels singing? The pope is | | |also saying that there were angels but they were talking, not singing, to | |The angels on the scene were talking instead of |the shepherd. The angels offered directions as to where to find the baby. |singing and were showing the way to find the |The angel said to them, ââ¬Å"Don't be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good| |infant Jesus. |news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today a Savior, who is | | |Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David. This will be the | | |sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a | | |feeding trough. | |ARTICULATING A POSITION 1: |While we are celebrating Christmas, we should follow the pope in trying to| | |understand the world where Jesus was born and try to better understand | |A thought from the writer is that we should |contemporary Taiwan. Through his new book, Pope Benedict tells us that | |follow the popeââ¬â¢s argument of Jesusââ¬â¢ birth place |even though Caesar brought peace to the Roman Empire, a tiny child brought| |and try to better understand contemporary Taiwan. something much more wonderful: God's peace and a promise to eternal life | | |and the end to sin. | |ARTICULATING A POSITION 2: |If you are also wondering why Christmas came to be such a great | | |celebration in the West, you should also try to find the answer for | |The writer suggests the attitude of questioning |yourself and question your religion and beliefs.While we may all agree | |the readerââ¬â¢s religion and beliefs and refers to |that the pope is a traditional man, we should find comfort that he is | |his feeling on the popeââ¬â¢s contribution with |attempting to explain how the birth of Jesus changed history forever, | |regard to the birth of Jesus. |especially on Christmas Day. | Validity and Reliability of the AnalysisIt is a must to do logical tests to found the analytical validity and reliability, and in light of Yin (1984), construct validity is referential to ââ¬Å"setting up correct operational measures for the studies notationsâ⬠and reliability refers to proving that the study can be reiterated with the same results. Additionally, Yin (1984) suggests the steps in add- ing construct validity and the how is reviewing and cross-examining the analytical result y the frequent discussions with a postgraduate researcher (Dr. E. Babaii), yet, out of the lack of such suitable one, it is temporarily put off. Besides, for vindicating the analytical reliability, the approach mentioned by Ansary and Babaii (2005) is in the following: First, they randomly selected 10 texts from the corpus and requested two judges with a beforehand training background to independently code the texts. Second.They used Kappa coefficient (K) as a felicitous non-parametric measure to index the degree of agreement between coders and their codings, and the inter-coder and intra-coder reliability indices were calculated: kappa coefficient must exceed . 60 to be dependable and valid index of an acceptable degree of agree ment between judges. Under Prof Chenââ¬â¢s requirement, there are 5 extra GSP analyses from the same editorial website in the following: New Taiwan dollar closes flat after sharp surge (Januaryà 8,à 2013)GSP:H^[AI]^{IA^A1^A2}{AP}{IA^A1}^{AP} KMT leaves year-end bonus loophole: DPPJanuaryà 8,à 2013, GSP:H^[AI]^{IA^A1^A2^A3^A4}^{AP1^AP2^AP3^AP4} Opposition, ruling parties must agree: time is not on our side December 19, 2012 GSP:H^[AI]^{IA^A1^A2^A3A4}^{AP1^AP2^AP3^AP4} Benefits for the aged are more than just a handout December 11, 2012 GSP:H^[AI]^{IA^A1^A2^A3^A4}^{AP1^AP2^AP3^AP4^AP5} In Diaoyutais dispute, time has come for pragmatic diplomacy November 8, 2012 GSP:H^[AI]^{IA^A1^A2}^{AP1^AP2^AP3^AP4} Discussion The GSP for the editorials based on online China Post can be listed as: [pic] [pic]H^[AI]^{IA^A1^ A2^ A3^ A4^ A5}^{AP1^AP2} In the above GSP, the caret sign indexes sequences order; the square brackets delimit sequence; the braces with an arrow indicate the degree o f iteration. In sum, the aforementioned GSP is a condensed statement signifying an editorial from online China Post may appear in this way: an editorial typically begins with a headline and then addresses an issue and later argumentations and finally end with the articulation of the position. In ddition, such arguments and positions can be repetitive until the conclusion is mentioned. Conclusion Based on the result and discussion, it is obvious that the GSP of the editorials in the online China post matches the one raised by Ansary and Babaii(2005), but the limitation is that if there are more different data sources in the respect of editorials, the editorial GSP may be further confirmed and the degree of reliability may also be increased. For the comparisons between the literature findings as well as mine, it is elaborated below.First, in light of Katajamaki and Koskela(2006), they further indicate the variation in business editorial GSP bout their possible changes, whose result pa ttern is quite similar to Ansary and Babaiiââ¬â¢s (2005) and more detailed; therefore, it is a point the future study may refer to. Then for Fartousi and Dumanig (2012) in the comparison between their and mine findings, theyââ¬â¢re fairly similar as well: they their editorials GSP contains AR(Articulating a Resolution).Later, for Flowerdew and Dudley-Evans(2002), their finding is that they couldnââ¬â¢t form a formula but can describe of the nature and function about the editorials they analyze. Additionally, in terms of Ansary and Babaii(2009), they express that the non-native English language newspapers often carry a translated version of the same editorial printed in the native language edition of the newspapers, so it is a good research direction in the multiple comparisons in different editorial GSP with regard to whether L2 editorials may transfer their L1 into the editorials.Finally, the pedagogical implication lies in that the model can be applied into teaching mater ials as part of the development for studentââ¬â¢s interest in learning English instead of being restricted to the dull textbooks merely, especially for the textbooks in tertiary education and their comprehension in this field. REFERENCES Ansary, Hasan, & Babaii, Esmat (2005). The Generic Integrity of Newspaper Editorials: A Systemic Functional Perspective, Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics Ansary, Hasan, & Babaii, Esmat (2009). A Cross-culture Analysis of English Editorials: A Systemic-Functional View of Text for ContrastiveRhetoric Research Fartousi, Hassan & Dumanig, Francisco Perlas (2012). A Rhetorical Analysis of an Editorial: ââ¬Å"The Hoodies of NWOâ⬠. World Science Publisher, United States Flowerdew, John & Dudley-Evans, Tony (2002) Genre Analysis of Editorial Letters to International Letters, Oxford University Press Katajamaki, Heli & Koskela, Merja (2006) The rhetorical structure of editorials in English, Swedish and Finnish business newspapers. Teoksessa Proc eedings of the 5th International Aelfe Conference. Actas del V Congreso International AELFE.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Linear Regression and Statistics - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 864 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Statistics ANOVA Least Squares Tyrone Sewell Statistics, MAT 201, Module V-CA5 Alfred Basta December 20, 2009 Statistics ANOVA Least Squares Look at the data below for the income levels and prices paid for cars for ten people: |à Annual Income Level |Amount Spent on Car | |38,000 |12,000 | |40,000 |16,000 | |117,000 |41,000 | |17,000 |3,500 | |23,000 |6,500 | 79,000 |21,000 | |33,000 |5,000 | |66,000 |8,000 | |15,000 |1,500 | |52,000 |6,000 | Answer the following questions: A. What kind of correlation do you expect to find between annual income and amount spent on car? Will it be positive or negative? Will it be a strong relationship? Base your answer on your personal guess as well as by looking through the data. The annual income and amount of money spent on a car correlates that generally the greater the sum of income the larger portion of money spent on a car. The middle/low to middle income in datas spent the most with percentages ranging from the low 21% to 40%. The middle/high income percentages took a much smaller percentage rate at 12% and 35%. While the low income percentages represented only 10% of their incomes spent toward a new car purchase. The trend makes the graph ascend on both sides of the linear regression line. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Linear Regression and Statistics" essay for you Create order When the incomes of the consumer increase the sales for cars also rises presenting a positive result. Therefore, as long as the incomes continue to grow the relationship to car sales will also trend to the right in an upward, positive motion. B. What is the direction of causality in this relationship i. e. does having a more expensive car make you earn more money, or does earning more money make you spend more on your car? In other words, define one of these variables as your dependent variable (Y) and one as your independent variable (X). Depending on the each individuals perspective the variable can switch between dependent and independent based on the personââ¬â¢s viewpoint. For this purpose, the independent variable which is represented by (X) is the annual income. The dependent variable is represented by (Y) and is the cost of the car. The reason I chose to have the annual income as the independent variable is because a person will continue to look for a job with security, growth potential, and a higher income. The car is seen as a vehicle of transportation only and needed to get to work and home. It is a necessity, but not a luxury item with elaborate expenses. We can have the basic model without all the bells and whistles to accomplish the task to get to and from a location. C. What method do you think would be best for testing the relationship between your dependent and independent variable, ANOVA or regression? Explain your reasoning thoroughly with a discussion of both methods. Both linear regression which utilizes hypothesis testing and ANOVA can be sources for testing. Each testing has its own drawbacks. In this paper I have utilized the regression calculator. What is hypothesis testing? It is statistical procedures that utilize sample data gathered and then formulates a hypothesis based on the validation of the hypothesis. A hypothesis is an unapproved scientific conclusion drawn from known facts and in statistics an idea, an assumption or theory about certain data with one or more variables that exists in one or more populations. There must be two statements; which represents the population being studied and the alternate. It is assumed the first statement is true. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to falsifying the conditions. The data gathered can be endless, so setting boundaries is important. An ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a tool used for analyzing data, which is a result of a one-way design, and certain assumptions. This technique is used to analyze the variation in the data to determine if more than two population means are equal. A one-way ANOVA has several different levels of one factor being studied and the objects or people being observed and/or measured are randomly assigned to one of the c levels of the factor. The three major assumptions of an ANOVA are as follows; the errors are random and independent of each other, all of the populations have the same variance, and each population has a normal distribution. D. Top of Form Accuracy The algorithm is written to round all output to no more than11 significant digits. Further, all numbers of magnitude less that 10-12 are presented as zero. The Regression Equation will appear below. [pic] Regression Coefficient: [pic] x-Value |y-Value |Predicted Value | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | Bottom of Form Last Updated: April, 1999 Copyright à © 1999 Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble References Dobson A. , Young A. Gibberd B. (n. d. ). SurfStat Australia. Retrievedà December 16, 2009, from https://surfstat. anu. edu. au/surfstat-home/surfstat-main. html Graphic demonstration of regression, Retrieved December 20, 2009, from https://www. stattucino. com/berrie/dsl/regression/regression. html Introduction to Analysis of Variance, Retrieved December 16, 2009, from https://onlinestatbook. com/chapter13/intro. html Understanding ANOVA Visually, Retrieved December 20, 2009, from https://www. psych. utah. edu/stat/introstats/anovaflash. html
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